i Cube
Jedino što vam od sada treba u vašem salonu je mali, komptan i moćan uređaj. Potpuna novina na tržištu! iCube je uređaj koji kontroliše sve ručice bdr Medical Beauty koncepta, uključujući dermoabraziju, microneedling i mikrostimulaciju, kao i Goldeneye ručicu za mikropigmentaciju i mikroblading. Kompletan prostor Goldeneye sveta lepote vam omogućava primenu preko 130 tehnika u oblasti mikropigmentacije i preko 60 opcija iz oblasti bdr-a.
Inovativan, mali i jednostavan za korišćenje, iCube vas bukvalno drži za ruku i vodi kroz podešavanje besplatne Android aplikacije na tabletu. Lepota nikada nije bila tako pametna, kozmetika nikada do sada nije bila tako efikasna - mogućnosti bez branica u samo jednom uređaju. Sve buduće nadogradnje softvera su potpuno besplatne. Ostanite zauvek fleksibilni - sa poslednjim inovacijama u oblasti trajne šminke i medicinske kozmetike.
Vi imate talenat, znanje i predanost - iCube je tu da ujedini vašu strast sa profesionalnim Goldeneye tehnikama.
From now on, all you will need in your institute, is a small and compact power device. Completely new on the market ! With the i Cube all handpieces of the bdr Medical Beauty concept can be controlled. Including Dermabrasion, Microneedling and Microstimulation furthermore even the Goldeneye Micropigmentation Handpiece including Microblading. The entire space of the Goldeneye World of Beauty is revealed to you providing over 130 techniques in the area of micropigmentation and more than 60 options in the field of bdr.
Innovative, small and easy to navigate, the i Cube takes you literally by hand and guides you through the settings of the free of charge app on your Android tablet. Never beauty was that smart, never before has cosmetics been so effective – possibilities, without limits, just in a single device. All up-dates of the software will be permanently free of charge. Stay flexible at all times – with the latest innovations from permanent make-up and medical beauty.
You have the talent, the knowledge, the dedication – the i Cube is your personal fusion of your heartfelt passion and professional Goldeneye technique.
Jedino što vam od sada treba u vašem salonu je mali, komptan i moćan uređaj. Potpuna novina na tržištu! iCube je uređaj koji kontroliše sve ručice bdr Medical Beauty koncepta, uključujući dermoabraziju, microneedling i mikrostimulaciju, kao i Goldeneye ručicu za mikropigmentaciju i mikroblading. Kompletan prostor Goldeneye sveta lepote vam omogućava primenu preko 130 tehnika u oblasti mikropigmentacije i preko 60 opcija iz oblasti bdr-a.
Inovativan, mali i jednostavan za korišćenje, iCube vas bukvalno drži za ruku i vodi kroz podešavanje besplatne Android aplikacije na tabletu. Lepota nikada nije bila tako pametna, kozmetika nikada do sada nije bila tako efikasna - mogućnosti bez branica u samo jednom uređaju. Sve buduće nadogradnje softvera su potpuno besplatne. Ostanite zauvek fleksibilni - sa poslednjim inovacijama u oblasti trajne šminke i medicinske kozmetike.
Vi imate talenat, znanje i predanost - iCube je tu da ujedini vašu strast sa profesionalnim Goldeneye tehnikama.
From now on, all you will need in your institute, is a small and compact power device. Completely new on the market ! With the i Cube all handpieces of the bdr Medical Beauty concept can be controlled. Including Dermabrasion, Microneedling and Microstimulation furthermore even the Goldeneye Micropigmentation Handpiece including Microblading. The entire space of the Goldeneye World of Beauty is revealed to you providing over 130 techniques in the area of micropigmentation and more than 60 options in the field of bdr.
Innovative, small and easy to navigate, the i Cube takes you literally by hand and guides you through the settings of the free of charge app on your Android tablet. Never beauty was that smart, never before has cosmetics been so effective – possibilities, without limits, just in a single device. All up-dates of the software will be permanently free of charge. Stay flexible at all times – with the latest innovations from permanent make-up and medical beauty.
You have the talent, the knowledge, the dedication – the i Cube is your personal fusion of your heartfelt passion and professional Goldeneye technique.
bdr Expert se odlikuje novim standardima: mogućnošću priključivanja svih ručica i eksternih masažnih modula. Svi tretmanski procesi, uključujući i individualne tretmane lepote, se jednostavno kontrolišu pomoću velikog kolor ekrana, osetljivog na dodir. Povećajte prodaju preparata uz pomoć pametnog, integrisanog programa sa kojim su vam informacije o proizvodu na dohvat ruke. Izbor je na vama! Stona jedinica koja ne zauzima prostor ili moderna, prostrana jedinica sa ekskluzivnom, vrhunski kvalitetno izrađenom bazom sa površinom visokog sjaja. bdr Expert excels with new standards: equipable with all handpieces and external massage modules. All treatment processes, as well as individual beauty treatments are easily controlled with a large color touch screen. Boost your product sales with cleverly integrated program sequence and instantly retrievable products information at your finger tips. The choice is yours! A space-saving desktop unit version or a stylish and spacious unit with an exclusive, high quality crafted base and a white high-gloss piano paint finish. |
bdr Complact
Kompaktan dizajn, futurističkog izgleda i vrhunskih profesionalnih mogućnosti nudi Vam priliku da svojim klijentima pružite tretmane i rezultate kakvi se danas s pravom očekuju kroz modernu negu kože i estetske tretmane. BDR sistem je jedinstvena kombinacija efikasnih preparata (dermaceutika), mikrodermoabrazije i stimulacije ("needeling ") - za rezultate bliske medicini - bez skalpela, ožiljaka ili botoksa! Compact design, futuristic looks and cutting-edge professional features. It gives you the opportunity to offer your clients treatments and the results which are nowadays expected from modern skin care and cosmetic treatments. BDR system is a unique combination of effective ingredients (dermaceutics), microdermabrasion and stimulation ("needeling") - for medical-like results - with no scalpel, scars or botox! |
BDR Re-volution PRO
Prelep “medical look” dizajn aparata uz maksimalno pojednostavljeno rukovanje različitim funkcijama pruža Vam mogućnost velikog broja funkcionalnih tretmana uz zauzimanje minimalnog prostora na Vašem radnom mestu. Ovaj model aparata je namenjen salonima čije je unutrašnje uređenje prostora uređeno u skladu sa namenom “čistih” i direktno funkcionalnih tretmana. Izborom ovog aparata ćete biti zadovoljni bez obzira da li je reč o modernom kozmetičkom salonu ili estetskoj ordinaciji. Beautiful "medical look" design of the device for simple handling various functions makes available a large number of functional treatment with minimum space occupation at your workplace. This device is intended for cosmetic salons which interior space is designed for "clean" and direct functional treatment. Choosing this device you will be satisfied regardless of whether you are owner of modern beauty salon or cosmetic surgery. |
Calming Light
Glatka koža i smanjene bore uz pomoć vrhunske tehnologije. Visoka efikasnost umirujućeg plavog svetla je naučno dokazana. Specifična svetlosna dužina diodne svetlosti ima antibakterijsko dejstvo (uništavanje porfirin bakterija u aknama) i popravlja raspoloženje. Pojačava se lučenje seratonina (hormona sreće). Osim toga, povećava se vitalnost ćelija a koža je zaglađena i ujednačenog tena. U slučaju neuroderatititsa i psorijaze može biti opuštajuća. Dokazano je poboljšanje u slučajevima osetljive, crvene i kože sklone alergijama.
A smooth and line-reduced skin by means of high-end technology. The highly effective effect of the blue Calming Light is scientifically proven. Light diodes with a special wave length act in an antibacterial manner (incl. destruction of the porphyrin bacteria in acne) and are mood-improving. The serotonin release is increased (happiness hormone). In addition, the cell vitalisation is also increased and the skin appears smoother and more even. In cases of neurodermatitis and psoriasis, it can be relieving. Proven improvement of the skin condition in cases of skin that is sensitive, reddened or prone to allergies.
Profipeel ručica / Profeipeel handpiece
Profipeel S/M služi za dermoabraziju i reaktivaciju funkcije fibroblasta i koristi se za rafiniranje površine kože i u slučajevima pigmentnih nepravilnosti. Profipeel S/M for dermabrasion and reactivation of the fibroblast function for skin refining and in cases of pigmentation disorder. The sterile, single-use applicators are delivered in a blister-pack. |
Perforation XS
Intenzivni tretman za lokalnu i punkcionu regeneraciju i delimično zatezanje kože. koristi se za smanjenje bora i ožiljaka (osim keloidnih ožiljaka). The intensive treatment for a local and punctual skin regeneration and partial tissue tightening. Can be used to reduce wrinkles and improve scars (except keloidal scars). |
XL ručica / XL handpiece
XL ručica koristi nastavak sa stimulacionim jastučićem za otvaranje gornjeg sloja epidermisa, na potpuno prijatan način. Mikro otvori smanjuju difuznu barijeru površine kože. The technology consists of a stimulation cushion, with which the upper layer of the epidermis is opened in a pleasant manner. The micro-opening reduces the diffusion barrier of the skin surface. |
eMask “Good Vibes”
Stres spolja i iznutra dovode do napetosti facijalni mišića, zbog čega dolazi do stvaranja trajnih linija i bora. U zrelijim godinama metabolički procesi u koži se usporavaju a međućelijska komunikacija opada. Zbog pojačane akumulacije toksina koža postaje siva i bleda. “Good Vibes” eMask oživljava Vašu kožu, čineći da ona izgleda sveže i blistavo. Ovaj tretman podstiče metaboličke procese i otpuštanje toksina iz tkiva. Na koži ostaje dugotrajan osećaj njenog blagotvornog dejstva. Stress and strain from inside and out will cause facial muscles to become increasingly tense. This tension can lead to permanent lines and wrinkles. With advancing age, our skin’s metabolic process subsides and communication between cells decline. An increased toxin accumulation will create a pale and gray complexion. With a fresh and luminous appearance, the “Good Vibes” eMask elates the skin! This treatment supports the metabolic process and releases unwanted toxins from the tissue, providing an overall sense of long lasting wellbeing. |
eMask “Ray of Light” LED mask
Nova elektronička maska eMask “Ray of Light” sadrži mnoštvo LED sijalica. Njihova relaksirajuća toplota nežno otvara pore i ubrzava absorpciju bdr dermaceutika. Umorna i nadražena koža postaje smirena i relaksirana. Zbog pojačane cirkulacije reaktiviraju se procesi u koži. Osveženi ten odmah izgleda svetlije i ujednačenije. Posebna talasna dužina LED sijalica stimuliše fibroblaste. Zbog aktivirane proizvodnje kolagena elastičnost i čvrstina kože se popravljaju a tamna područja kože posvetljuju. The new electronic mask (“eMask”) “Ray of Light” is generated by multiple LEDs. It’s relaxing heat gently opens pores and excels the absorption of bdr dermaceuticals. Stressed and irritated skin becomes calmed and soothed. The skin is reactivated with improved blood circulation. A refreshed complexion instantly appears brighter and even. The special wavelength of the LED diodes stimulates the fibroblasts. By activating the collagen production, skin elasticity and firmness will improve and darkened areas of the skin are lightened. |