bdr Medicinski Beauty Koncept maksimalne kompatibilnosti u efikasnosti
bdr’s Medical Beauty Concept with maximum compatibility and effectiveness
Svi dosadašnji sistemi i metode nisu uspeli da isporuče aktivne materije duboko u odgovarajući sloj kože kako bi obezbedili uspešnu neprekidnu i intenzivnu negu tamo gde je najpotrebnija. BDR uspešno prevazilazi ovu barijeru. Naše istraživačke laboratorije su kreirale potpuno novu seriju biotehnoloških Dermacare proizvoda. Inovativna tehnologija emulzije kombinuje naše najvrednije prirodne supstance sa micro molekularno optimizovanim esencijama.
All previous products and methods fail to transport active ingredients deeply into the appropriate skin layers to successfully provide continuous and intensive care where it’s needed most. bdr has managed to overcome this barrier. The bdr research laboratories have created a completely new series of biotechnological Dermacare products. Innovative emulsion technology combines the company’s most valuable natural substances with micro molecular optimized essences.
All previous products and methods fail to transport active ingredients deeply into the appropriate skin layers to successfully provide continuous and intensive care where it’s needed most. bdr has managed to overcome this barrier. The bdr research laboratories have created a completely new series of biotechnological Dermacare products. Innovative emulsion technology combines the company’s most valuable natural substances with micro molecular optimized essences.
bdr Proizvodi
Medicinski koncept nege kože - tretmanski metod budućnosti. Kombinacija sinergetskih dermaceutskih proizvoda i inovativnih aparata. Od čistog i jednostavnog, najboljeg načina regeneracije kože do aktivnog podmlađivanja. Revolucionarno poboljšanje kvaliteta kože se ogleda kroz ovaj koncept senzacionalnog tretiranja dubokih bora, akni i inflamacija, oštećenja od sunca i ožiljaka. The Medical Beauty Concept – the treatment method of the future. The combination of synergetic dermaceutical products and innovative device system. From purity by way of the best skin regeneration to active age repair. Revolutionary skin quality improvement, The Medical Beauty Concept for sensational skin improvement in cases of deep wrinkles, acne and inflammation, sun-damaged skin and scars. |
bdr Tehnologija
Zahvaljujući bdr tehnologiji uspeli smo da intenzivno reaktiviramo rekonstrukciju kože, čak i u slučajevima sa dubokim borama i i problemima funkcija kože. Interakcija tehnologije i specijalno kreiranih dermaceutskih aktivnih materija znači da je auto-regenerativni proces aktiviran direktno na tretiranoj regiji kože. Nova svetlosna tehnologija "Calming Light" od bdr-a u kombinaciji sa novom Pure Harmony (PH) serijom preparata ima odličan pozitivan efekat na probleme poput akni, osetljive i kože slabog imuniteta. Thanks to the bdr technology we have managed to reactivate intensively the reconstruction of the skin, even in cases of deep lines and skin function disorders. The interaction of technology and the specially developed dermaceutical active ingredients means that the auto-regenerative process is activated directly in the skin areas affected. The new light technology “Calming Light” by bdr in combination with the new Pure Harmony series has a positive effect on skin problems such as acne, sensitive and immune-deficient skin. |
Foto galerija/istorijat saradnje WIS i BDR